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Importance of business digitalization for business success

digital, digitization, IT, technology, companies

Reduce costs, optimize processes and potentiate the capabilities of a company are the clearest objectives that companies have achieved through business digitalization.

Digitalization has been a relevant topic in society for some years, but it was really during the COVID-19 pandemic that this term revolutionized the world and became an essential aspect of the way things work. As confinement has been such a harsh scenario, digitalization easily became the ideal ally to overcome this problem, demonstrating to the world and companies that technological adoption is crucial in this decade of digital revolution.  

Consumers and potential customers spend a large amount of time daily on digital platforms, social networks, and websites, in addition to shopping preferences and consumption habits have been coupled to purely virtual spaces, so taking participation and keeping up with trends is one of the most recommended strategies to have greater competitiveness. 

What is business digitalization? 

Gartner defines digitization as “using digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-generating opportunities; It’s the process of moving to a digital business.” So, business digitalization refers to the process of implementing cutting-edge technologies to transform operations and processes in companies, with the aim of achieving better results, greater efficiency, and innovation.

Currently, digital transformation processes evolve developing more effective solutions and tools for business, however, a real digitization process is one that is based on physical media (hardware) and digital media (software). This is how, innovating through technology is not only enough to involve computer systems, but it is a process that goes further and includes the evaluation and proposal of technological projects in order to achieve optimization and added value for customers, employees, or partners.

The digitalization of business is booming, which is why the most successful industries globally resort to sophisticated tools that provide more effective commercial, industrial and operational processes. According to the Digital Adoption Survey of “Movistar Empresas”, “89% of SMEs in Latin America will be digitized during 2023”, a statistic that demonstrates how companies from various sectors have as a priority to invest in technology to boost their businesses this year.

Benefits of digitalization in companies 

A digitalization process can lead to multiple benefits. These benefits will depend on the technological implementation that is used and the one needed for each case. Despite that, these are some of the most noticeable benefits of business digitalization: 

  • Cost reduction. 
  • Greater efficiency. 
  • Data-driven decision making. 
  • Optimization of resources. 
  • Simplification of manual work. 
  • Greater control.
  • Reduction of mistakes. 
  • Expand business opportunities and reach new markets. 

Keys to start the digitization of a company

  • Evaluate and set goals  

 Before starting to adopt business digitization processes, it is necessary to first evaluate the business situation, real needs, and means, to establish concrete goals that positively impact the entire digital ecosystem.  

  • Embracing a culture of digital transformation  

Business digitalization necessarily requires a change of business mentality, which is the basis for improving all processes. However, this new way of thinking must be represented by concrete strategies and above all by the leadership of managers who take a transformational role to involve effectively company teams.  

  • Explore new work and business models  

 The market changes daily therefore generating innovative concepts to interact with customers is an effective strategy, but mixing this with customized technological solutions and the appropriate digital media will potentiate the results and expand the needs of the business.  

 Human talent is recognized as the most important asset of a company, due to this, looking for strategies to expand its capabilities through technology, or involve initiatives such as teleworking and even digitizing labs is an essential step to start a path toward digital transformation that transcends all areas of the company. 


Maximizing the opportunities of a business through technological mechanisms is an imminent reality to achieve go beyond market expectations, now, without a digital strategy a business won’t be competitive and will hardly be able to advance with the agility that others do.  

Digitalization stopped being a trend, and now it has become a necessity for any type of business, and this fact was not only manifested in confinement but is demonstrated daily with the way in which societies coexist in increasingly technological environments. So, observing digital transformation not as an expense but as an investment is the key piece that companies need today to guarantee effective processes that enhance capabilities and above all make a business successful. 

 If your business wants to implement IT solutions that help reduce costs, increase productivity and optimize processes, fill in the form in this link and receive a personalized consultation with Netser Group. 


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