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IT Priorities Every Business Should Know to Start 2023

IT, CEO, business, technology, leaders, digital transformation

The year 2022 tested the strength of companies and the strategy of their leaders, and although the year is ending, many of the challenges still prevail. Analyzing IT priorities, trends, and issues for 2023 is the first task for companies that want to start their digital transformation year.

2022 was a year that brought significant advances in the consolidation of IT infrastructures for global companies. Despite the current challenges, value placed on digital technologies to boost all types of industries in the era of digital transformation have been notorious.

This ending year had geopolitical and economic events worldwide that hindered the normal flow of processes in industries: inflation, supply chain, and political confrontations were some of the problems that affected companies the most. Regardless, the IT services industry showed that it is one of the sectors with the greatest potential because its demand kept growing under the circumstances. Gartner predicts that global IT spending will total $4.6 trillion by 2023, a 5.1% increase over 2022.

2023 will be a year of great expectations and challenges, which is why Red Hat’s Global Tech Outlook reports the top investment priorities and challenges for companies in the world of information technology (IT). This report was based on surveys of 1,703 IT leaders around the world.


With the highest percentage (44%), global IT leaders say that security is a critical aspect to follow in the coming year. This perspective is undoubtedly the result of a period where a large number of companies were victims of cyber attacks, so companies want to prioritize their security efforts, more than in other areas such as cloud infrastructure (36%) or IT / CLOUD management (35%).   

Digital transformation 

Many industries have had the opportunity to experience the advantages offered by technology for business, so as more leaders become aware of it, in the next 12 months digital transformation will continue as a priority.   

According to the IT leaders surveyed, these are the topics to be addressed in digital transformation:     

  • Security (20%)  
  • Innovation (19%)  
  • Experience (13%)  
  • Velocity; skill set, simplicity (11%)  
  • Cost (9%)  
  • Culture (7%)  

It may be a bit surprising to note security over innovation, however, this does not mean that companies are giving up their efforts to innovate. By contrast, the report found that 23% of companies are in the acceleration stage of digital transformation.    

It can also be mentioned that the difference between the two is only one point, but when asking such a strict question where only one top priority is chosen, many of the leaders again emphasize strong intentions about security. For this reason, in this new year IT companies must formulate strategies or transformative solutions that provide greater peace of mind to the cybersecurity uncertainty that grew in 2022.  

Talent shortage  

“Skills or talent gaps remain the main barrier to digital transformation.” According to the report, as the main funding priorities outside the IT area, respondents chose training in technological and technical skills (37%), followed by the consolidation of a transformation strategy. Third and fourth, they chose priorities such as interpersonal skills training and IT talent recruitment/retention.   

The majority of responses highlighted the current problems with the lack of human capital for technological areas. This result, as in previous years, continues to be one of the most common drawbacks in the process of digital transformation of companies, and despite the great boom of technology in global societies, in 2023 leaders must find mechanisms to overcome this challenge without affecting their operations. 

 The accelerated digitalization of businesses during the pandemic continues to cause a setback effect in the search for human capital with technological skills, however, although this continues to happen, especially in Latin America, it is expected that during the next 12 months the problem will decrease and companies will adopt new work strategies so as not to slow down digital transformation processes.   

 If you want more information about the problem of IT talent shortage and the most successful solutions, we invite you to read our blog ” Demand vs shortage of IT talent: How do companies face this situation”?   

Embark on a path to digital transformation  

Leaders were consulted on the status of their company on the journey to transformation, and the results were as follows:

  • Leading (12%)
  • Accelerating (23%)
  • Transforming (31%)
  • Emerging (18%)
  • Has not started or is at the beginning (6%)
  • No plans (3%)


The results show that in general there are important actions towards digital transformation, however, Red Hat believes that processes are stagnant and the main reason is no longer the pandemic, but global events such as recession and inflation.

Nevertheless, the interest in digital transformation is evident and investments in IT for 2023 predict encouraging results, and the reason for this is that companies in times of uncertainty look to technology for ways to benefit and innovate. Also, according to John-David Lovelock analyst at Gartner “CEOs and CFOs, instead of cutting IT budgets, are increasing spending on digital business initiatives.”


 2022 was a year that demonstrated the important role of technology in business success, and although it was a period where global economic difficulties affected companies, it is positive to see how IT solutions and services continue to have recognition in their organizational strategies.  

Priorities for the new year highlight different needs, which is why leaders must be prepared to put in place resilient infrastructures to achieve good results in the uncertain future. Markets, consumers, and competitors will surely be more challenging, but adaptability and the capacity for transformation will be the determining factors for companies to achieve greater success in 2023.  

Netser has positioned itself as a leader in IT solutions for various industries, our professionalism, experience, and team have contributed to our clients achieving the best results this year.

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